Saturday 10. May 2025 20:00 | Hošek Contemporary, Berlin
Tuesday 13. May 2025 20:30 | Walcheturm, Zürich
Thursd. 15. May 2025 20:00 | Temple Allemand, La-Chaux-de-Fonds
Friday 16. May 2025 20:00 | Centre Pasquart, Biel/Bienne


ANNETTE SCHMUCKI blättern [2025 WP, World Premiere]
JONAS KOCHER Skills [2025 WP]
ABRIL PADILLA Points de gravité [2024/2025 WP]
STEFFI WEISMANN Chiffre [2024/25 WP]
ALESSANDRO BOSETTI Trinitaire [2015]

Four new positions on the subject of music as language and language as music: the multi-perspective spatial pieces are based on German and French texts or alternate between the two languages. Granulate or cipher, texture, interjection, poetic sound shift, singsong or rumour mill: in performative actions with objects and instruments, the performers' bodies position the sound in space. Delicate scrolling, sudden word-finding chains or conspiratorial messages unfold in a communicative situation in which attention is focussed on listening. Each of the compositions creates a world of its own in terms of aesthetics and content. In the overall programme, these different perspectives complement and enrich each other and convey innovative approaches to current contemporary music from Switzerland.

Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Steffi Weismann – voices, performance, instruments, objects

produced by Maulwerker in cooperation with ignm Zürich, Pôle Nord and Association Bruit, supported from Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia, Fondation Nicati de Luze and Fondation SUISA

Fr 13. & Sa 14. Sept. 2024, 8pm | Ballhaus Ost
Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin
maulwerker performing music TRANSFIGURATIONEN

ALISON KNOWLES Silk Thread Song [1971/Version 2008/2024] WP
CHRISTINA KUBISCH Silent Dialogues [2024] WP
ADRIAN MOCANU cuando se perdió en el agua [2024] WP
SAGARDÍA Die Seele besteigt den Thron [2024] WP

The remnants of a silk scarf become notation, voices are superimposed on themselves through recording processes, laughter and crying are transformed into musical figures. Graphic notation is translated into sound, sound into theatrical gestures, electro-acoustic settings form reference systems for the physical voices in the room. Projections make these processes transparent to the audience. Transfigurations take place in a variety of musical situations in the new programme of the series maulwerker performing music.
The evening draws an arc from the past avant-garde of the 20th century, the »Transfiguration of the Commonplace« (Danto), to the present day as a suite of divestment, as a mental process that gradually leads the listeners labyrinthine to themselves in the polyphonic texture of the voices.

Maulwerker & Guests
Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann – voices, performance, instruments, objects & Matthias Engler (Ensemble Adapter) – percussion

Tickets – 15 € / 10 €
Eine Produktion der Maulwerker in Kooperation mit dem Ballhaus Ost, gefördert durch die initiative neue musik berlin e.V. und das Programm “Weltoffenes Berlin” der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.
Die Veranstaltungen sind Teil des Monats der zeitgenössischen Musik Berlin der initiative neue musik e.V. /

Sunday 9th of June 2024, 7:30 pm | Großer Wasserspeicher Berlin
Belforter Str. 10405 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, Tickets: 6€
Video Documentation

In the series [Places+Spaces] the Maulwerker dedicate themselves in this edition to the specific resonance phenomena of the former water tank and its labyrinthian ring architecture. The pieces were composed or adapted specifically for the place.

Ariane Jeßulat Rondeau (2024, WP)
Adrian Mocanu madrigali guerrieri. libro 1 (2024, WP)
- intermission -

Christian Kesten Fünf Ringe (2021/2024)
Henrik Kairies Whistles and Reflections (2024, WP)
Cornelius Cardew The Great Learning §7. Excerpt (1971)

Gefördert durch das Programm “Weltoffenes Berlin” der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. In Kooperation mit Förderband e.V.

more to the program

Fr/Sa 12./13. April 2024, 19:00 | KASKO
Werkraum Warteck pp, Burgweg 15, 4058 Basel
Entry 8-25 CHF (pay what you can)


Precisely composed or organised by systems of rules, this programme focuses on the translation of language into space and combines acoustic and tactile perception. Granules or ciphers, textures, interjections, poetic sound shifts, singsong or rumour-mongering, French or German: the performers' voices, movements and gestures create a spatial puzzle that establishes relationships between words, sound and silence and allows the audience to participate in this process. At the centre of the evening is the Maulwerker's new collaboration with Basel-based composer Abril Padilla.

Abril Padilla Point de départ – for feet, lips and hands in space (2024, world premiere) funded by a commission from Fachausschuss Musik Basel (BS/BL)
Annette Schmucki Aber das Ackerlied – for voices (2022, world premiere)
Christian Kesten Über die Lebensweise der Guam-Flughunde ist weiterhin nichts bekannt. – for 5 voices, hands/arms, feet (2017/version 2024)
Steffi Weismann Chiffre 02 – for 4 voices, objects and projection (2024, world premiere)
Alessandro Bosetti The Pool and the Soup – (2006) version for 6 voices

with Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Steffi Weismann und Abril Padilla

Friday 29. Sept. 2023, 20:00 | Ballhaus Ost
maulwerker performing music LAUTSPRECHER

Ute Wassermann »Camouflage« 2023 / UA
Sabine Ercklentz »Fremd_körper« 2018
Erhard Grosskopf »Prozess der Veränderung op. 12« 1971, Version 2023 / UA
Ralf Hoyer »Schreistück« 1998
Steffi Weismann »platophonics« 2021
Stefan Roigk »worte wie schall & raum« 2015, Live-Version 2023 / UA

with Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann, Fernanda Farah, Alexey Kokhanov

a production by maulwerker in collaboration with Ballhaus Ost
funded by initiative neue msuik berlin. The concert is part of Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik Berlin.

Wednesday, May 31. 2023, 19:00
National Theatre Kaunas, Lithuania
Festival Dive into (sound) Theatre

I Think, Life Is A Lot Simpler Than That
A new collective program by the group Maulwerker, formed out of audiovisual compositions for bodies, voices, objects, and video.

Steffi Weismann: Fountain
Fernanda Farah: TAKT SINN
Michael Hirsch: Intérieur à 1
Ariane Jessulat: Nycticebus Coucang
Emmett Williams: Song of Uncertain Length
George Brecht: Drip Music
George Maciunas: Solo for Sick Man
Dieter Schnebel: Bauernszene
Takehisa Kosugi: Manodharma with Mr. Y
Neo Hülcker: Give Paw!
Jule Flierl: d!ssoc!at!on_study_2
Dieter Schnebel: Poem für 1 Springer
Katarina Rasinski: Ice Age

supported by the Goethe Institute

Sunday, June 18. 2023, 20:00
St. Elisabeth-Kirche, Invalidenstr. 3, 10115 Berlin

zwischen den tönen

für Stimmen, Violine, Violoncello, Gläser, Synthesizer

CATHY VAN ECK We Are Prepared (2020) für Stühle, Sensoren, Live-Elektronik und kehlkopfmikrofonierte Stimmen

ARTURAS BUMŠTEINAS Melodies & Earmuffs (2023) UA für sechs Stimmen

CENK ERGÜN Aman (2022/23) UA für sechs Stimmen

Maulwerker: Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann Gäste: Cathy van Eck (Live-Elektronik), Tilman Kanitz (Violoncello)
Production: Maulwerker GbR in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth

supported by Musikfonds e.V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien and by Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung.
Thursday, 20. April. 2023, 20:30
Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart  / Rieckhallen
Invalidenstraße 50-51, 10557 Berlin
Entry: 14 € / reduced 10 €, tickets presale

Broken Music Vol. 2_ Live

The Telephone Book Piece – for two yellow pages (1989))
Sven-Åke Johansson

Six Piano Pieces in the Baroque Style (2021) Simon James Phillips, piano

Concert for 10 + 1 Egg Slicers for 11 Players (2020, world premiere)
Maulwerker & guests: Fernanda Farah, Seth Josel, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Alexey Kokhanov, Chico Mello, Andrea Neumann, Silvia Ocougne, Katarina Rasinski, Derek Shirley, Steffi Weismann

Solo for 2 Hi-Hats (2020) Sven-Åke Johansson, percussion

Complete Catalog D – for 8 performers (2003)
Maulwerker & guests: Fernanda Farah, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Alexey Kokhanov, Andrea Neumann, Katarina Rasinski, Derek Shirley, Steffi Weismann

as part of the exhibition Broken Music Vol. 2
artistic direction: Ingrid Buschmann
An event series by Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. in cooperation with Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart. Made possible by funding from Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

9. Nov. 2022 | 19:30
MINU Festival for Expanded Music, Kopenhagen

maulwerker performing music

Michael Hirsch: Intérieur à 1 (2015)
for 1 speaker and fixed media

Fernanda Farah: TAKT SINN (2017)
for 4 performers and video

Dieter Schnebel: Poeme für 1-3 Finger (1989), Poem für 1 Springer (1989), Stumme Schreie (2008)

Christian Kesten: Still nothing is known about the Guam flying foxes way of living. (2017)
for 5 voices, hands/arms, feet

Alessandro Bosetti: Trinitaire (2015)
for 3 voices

Jule Flierl: d!ssoc!at!on_study_2 (2018)
for 3 voices

Ann Noël / Steffi Weismann: YOU (1982/2021)
for video score and 5 voices

Steffi Weismann: Fountain (2017)
for 5+x performers, 10+y plastic cups, 1 bottle of water and audience

Maulwerker: Ariane Jessulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Steffi Weismann

8. October 2022
HausKunstMitte, Heidestraße 54, 10557 Berlin
free entry to the exhibition and the concert

Concert in the courtyard at the finissage of the exhibition GEGENSPRECHANLAGE, curated by Daniela Fromberg.

Ann Noël & Steffi Weismann: YOU (for video projection + 5 voices)
Karmella Tsepkolenko & Gisela Weimann: Sub Rosa (for video projection + 3 female voices)
Ariane Jeßulat: Mauchaut IV — for 5 voices and Objects (WP)
Henrik Kairies: Air and Water pieces (WP)

supported by Musikfonds

Friday/Saturday 23. and 24. Sepember 2022 | 8pm
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin

maulwerker performing music

Three world premieres, composed for the individual voices of the Maulwerkers, will be created in close collaboration with the ensemble. Margarete Huber will create a cartography of the vocal potential of the Maulwerkers and catalog the individual sounds. Her composition will thus become a portrait of the group. On the foil of a text excerpt by Flann O’Brien, voice and live electronics in Andrea Neumann’s solo composition »Rencontre 5« enter into various mixed relationships; they appropriate each other, overwrite each other and lose their original identity. Boris Filanovsky processes the Russian attack on Ukraine in »Mariupol«; his piece has no text, only phonemes. The world premieres are flanked by two repertory pieces: Travis Just’s »Quintet 1: Five Voices« alternates sung notes that create beats with noisy fricative surfaces. Rebecca Saunders’ »O« uses the monologue of Molly Bloom from James Joyce’s Ulysses; Saunders transfers the linguistic-musical virtuosity of the text into a solo of existential power.

Margarete Huber: »Kartographie« (2022, WP)
Rebecca Saunders: »O« (2017)
Travis Just: »Quintet 1: Five Voices« (2006/ Version 2022)
Andrea Neumann: »Rencontre 5« (2022, WP)
Boris Filanovsky: »Mariupol« (2022, WP)

Maulwerker: Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann
sound design: Matthias Erian, light design: Fabian Eichner, production: Vilém Wagner

a production of Maulwerker in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. funded by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V. The concert is part of Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik Berlin.

Sonntag 25. Sept. 2022 | 15:00 Uhr
Eine Erkundungsreise zu abgelegenen Klängen mit den Maulwerkern
Familienformat für Kinder 5-9 Jahre, Künstlerische Leitung und Moderation: Daniella Strasfogel

September 5th 2022 | 7:30pm
Lichthaus Kino (E-Werk), Am Kirschberg 4, 99423 Weimar


This concert is an investigation of contemporary music production, cognitive abilities, limits of acoustic perception and multimedia content to soothe one‘s inner emptiness. The politics of commissioning, the role of authors, the pragmatism of the professional musician, the social situation, the legitimacy of the work itself, the work of art as an attempt at creative development in social networks, the exchange of interests in compulsive consumption of productions and disinformation and the resulting lack of concentration of the ideal audience are just some of the questions to be examined.

At the centre of this evening with the Weimar ensemble via nova and the Maulwerker from Berlin is the commissioned work "Autotune para el pueblo" (Autotune for the People) by Belenish Moreno-Gil & Óscar Escudero for performer, flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, autotuned Greek choir, video and live electronics (funded by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation). Other works by Margareta Ferek-Petric, Moritz Eggert, Raquel García- Tomás (Video: Pere Ginard) (World Premiere), Jule Flierl, Johannes K. Hildebrandt, Christian Kesten and Steffi Weismann.

with Ensemble Via Nova (Weimar) and Maulwerker (Berlin)
solist: Christian Kesten, choir: Ariane Jeßulat, Henrik Kairies, Katarina Rasinski, Steffi Weismann

an event produced by Verein für Junge Musik e.V. in cooperation with ensemble via nova, funded/supported by BKM & Neustart Kultur, GEMA-Stiftung, Kulturstiftung Thüringen, Ernst-von-Siemens-Musikstiftung

Friday May 6th 2022 |8:15 pm
super bien! greenhouse for contemporary art in public space

Milchhof, Schwedterstr. 232, 10435 Berlin-Mitte (free entry)
PLACES + SPACES #3 related to transition

In their third edition of the outdoor concerts "Places & Spaces", the Maulwerkers conceive a program for the Milchhof, in the center of which the greenhouse superbien! seems to float like a space craft amidst the natural wildness of the yard. Bodies, things, and sounds are activated in and around the glass house, and transferred via wireless microphones and mobile loudspeakers into an acoustically augmented reality. The performative concert begins in brightness and passes through dusk until it transitions into an audiovisual installation later in the evening. The pieces composed by Ariane Jeßulat, Lorena Izquierdo, Katarina Rasinski and Steffi Weismann are transformed into a multi-layered spatial soundscape together with the performers Christian Kesten, Tilmann Walzer and Özgür Erkök Moroder.

Katarina Rasinski: Leichtkraft – Schwerkraft (Light force – Gravity), for glasses and Cello (2022)

Ariane Jeßulat: All-Talk – Machaut III, for voices, objects and microphoned strings (2022)

Steffi Weismann: Displacement, for objects, soprano, video projection and movable loudspeakers (2022)

Maulwerker and guests: Ariane Jeßulat, Lorena Izquierdo, Christian Kesten, Özgür Erkök Moroder, Katarina Rasinski, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann
Sound: Matthias Erian
a production of Maulwerker in cooperation with Elisabeth Sonneck/super bien!

Saturday March 19th 2022 | 3pm -11pm
Savvy Contemporary and Silent Green, Berlin-Wedding
“In What Century Will the Earth’s North and South Poles Change Polarities?” INVOCATIONS – On, Of, For, With Ben Patterson – a project of SAVVY Contemporary, in collaboration with MaerzMusik Festival, co-funded by Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Exhibition opening with performances, concerts, films and lectures, with Maulwerker (Ariane Jessulat, Christian Kesten, Tilmann Walzer, Steffi Weismann), The String Archestra, Christopher A. Williams, George Lewis a.o.
curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Kamila Metwaly and Berno Odo Polzer

Free Entry 3G >more informations to the program<

Monday March 21. 2022 |4:30 pm at SAVVY Contemporary, Reinickendorferstr. 17, 13347 Berlin
LECTURE/TALK – with Maulwerker* (Ariane Jessulat, Christian Kesten, Steffi Weismann) and Ann Noël. We will talk inside of the current Patterson-exhibition about collaborations with Ben Patterson and the approach to perform Fluxus from a first hand experience over many decades. Short video documentations and also a female perspective on Fluxus is part of this talk.

October 14. / 15. 2021 | 20:00 Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
maulwerker performing music: TYPOGRAPHIES

Federico Barabino Silencio Visual (2011/2021)
graphical score for voices

Mazen Kerbaj Learning Arabic (2021, WP)
in three parts: 1. The Sound; 2. The Alphabet; 3. Reading
for 5 performers and 1 director

Ann Noël YOU (1982/2021) WP
collective composition for 6 voices and video

Annette Schmucki staben (2014)
for three toypianos and speaking voices

Gerhard Stäbler SPEED (1997)
for two groups of 3 vocalists

Laura Mello / Nicolas Wiese Hesitation Choir (2021, WP) composition for a dynamical, typographical score, live-electronics and three vocalists

with generous support of initiative neue musik berlin e.V.

September 19th 2021
Festival Jauna Muzika, Vilnius, Lithuania
maulwerker performing music: KŪNAI. ERDVĖS.

Neo Hülcker: Give Paw! (2017)
Sven-Åke Johansson: WE WA WO (2016)
Jule Flierl: d!ssoc!at!on_study_2 (2018)
Christian Kesten: Still nothing is known about the Guam Flying Foxes’ way of living. (2018)
Alessandro Bosetti: Trinitaire (2015)
Indrė Liškauskaitė: Jump! Jump! Tunnel! Tunnel! (WP/2021)

supported by the Goethe Institute

12. September 2021 6pm – free admission
Sarotti-Höfe, Mehringdamm 55, 10961 Berlin (at Exploratorium)
SPACES & PLACES #2 situative outdoor concert

Ariane Jeßulat – Machaut au courant (WP)
Henrik Kairies – Tours de Cours (WP)
Christian Kesten – Sieben Höfe (WP)
Alexey Kokhanov– buoyant (WP)
Katarina Rasinski – Buffalo Bill bei Sarotti (WP)
Rebecca Saunders – O (für Sopran solo, 2017)
Steffi Weismann – Cluster to Chain (for three groups with objects, WP)

In their new series ORTE & RÄUME (Spaces & Places), the Maulwerkers dedicate themselves to specific places in urban space in order to experience them acoustically. After the musical exploration of the inner courtyard of the ACUD in August 2020, they now visit the SAROTTI courtyards in Kreuzberg.
Where do sounds sound when we hear them? - The psychology of perception knows many answers to this question, digital technology even knows many exact answers to it, nevertheless 7 vocal performers, a few instruments and a remote spatial situation are enough to undermine familiar parameters and to make the self-evident seem outrageous. The Maulwerkers conceived new compositions specifically for the Sarotti courtyards, challenging the audience to reconstruct the space by listening, to pursue counterpoints around twisted corners, to reassemble polyphony again and again. Sonic mixtures across spatial distances, Spaltklänge on location, and deliberate dissociations of sounds and their sources play with notions of distance, attraction, order, and perhaps tensions that we currently encounter more charged than before COVID-19.

this event is part of: Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik MdzM

12. August 2021 | 7:30pm Galerie Amalienpark | Raum für Kunst
Breite Straße 23, 13187 Berlin-Pankow

CONTACTS - concert for voices and Objects – performance in the frame of the exhibition Alles Kunst?! – Experimentelles in Kunst & Musik

Maulwerker Trio: Ariane Jeßulat, Katarina Rasinski and Steffi Weismann

Katarina Rasinski – Weißes Rauschen (UA)
Steffi Weismann – Gaze and Friction (UA)
Christian Kesten – Zunge lösen (1990/1999)
Ariane Jeßulat – s´accorder Machaut (UA)
Michael Hirsch – Intérieur à 1 (2015)
Henrik Kairies – Tri-Harmoni(k)a (2020)
Alison Knowles – Nivea Cream Piece (1962)

22. June 2021 KONTRAKLANG at the Parochialkirche, Berlin
Rolf Julius SONGBOOK 1- 6 for 6 voices
16. -18. June 2021 | 8pm
Ballhaus Ost Berlin, Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin
Steffi Weismann: A or B
quadrophonic concert installation for 7 performers, objects, live-video and participating audience

A or B, either-or, left or right. Binarity assumes symmetries and creates counter-positions. What happens when these are reinforced or dissolved? This new scope disrupts habitual bodily experiences and reveals simultaneously how subjectively we perceive the world.
With this audiovisual composition, Steffi Weismann draws from her long term intermedial practice that employs amplified objects and performative music. Voices and actions are quadraphonically spatialized and connect tactile processes with hearing and seeing. Initially, visitors move individually through an interactive route until they take a seat on one of the two sides of the audience area. In the live situation, the combination of text, sound and image opens up real and imaginary spaces. The performance revolves around changing perspectives and the corporeal presence of the audience and performers.

performed by Maulwerker and guests: Ariane Jessulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Özgür Erkök-Moroder, Fernanda Farah, Lorena Izquierdo.
composition, choreography, set design, video: Steffi Weismann
costumes: Dorothee Scheiffarth, light design: Ruth Waldeyer, sound: Matthias Erian, multi-channel programming sound: Annette Krebs, photography and assistance: Julia Cremers, cameras live-stream: Susanne Elgeti, Isabell Spengler, public relations: Sascha Wolters, production: Vilém Wagner

13€/9€ only online tickets:
Entry every minute from 7:45 pm onward, one person at the time
Language: German and English, 70 min.
We offer on June 18th from 19:45 a free Live-Stream!

a production by Steffi Weismann & Maulwerker in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost, funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, supported by Errant Sound e.V

31. May 2021 | 8pm
CoFestival – International Contemporary Dance Festival
Ljubljana Slowenia

maulwerker performing music VOCAL SPACES. COMPOSED BODIES. works by Antonia Baehr, Jule Flierl, Christian Kesten, Michael Hirsch, Dieter Schnebel, Steffi Weismann

supported by NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielförderung Tanz International, Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien